FreeSWITCH, making calls via web-browser [using mod_rtmp]

Continuing from the FreeSWITCH stuff. I learned about the RTMP module which enables us to connect to the FreeSWITCH server via web browser and make calls just like any other Soft-phone.

This is wonderful, I don't need to install any soft-phone or anything, just open up my FS server RTMP phone page - login using my SIP credentials and once authenticated make calls !! simple.

In order to get it working I went back to the source directory of Freeswitch and just compiled thertmp module. Learn more about the FreeSWITCH RTMP Module from this link.

root@FS_HA1#cd /usr/src/freeswitch
root@FS_HA1#make mod_rtmp && make mod_rtmp install

once compiled and installed successfully, enable the rtmp module to be loaded automatically by freeswitch.

root@FS_HA1#cd /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/

root@FS_HA1#vim modules.conf.xml

Uncomment by removing the "<!--" and "-->"

<load module="mod_rtmp"/>

Save and exit from the file after uncommenting.

Goto FreeSwitch console.


Since my freeswitch was already started so to load RTMP module either I need to restart my Freeswitch server or I can just load the module from the console just like this.

freeswitch@internal> load mod_rtmp

It will print lots of output lines on console. Once loaded successfully edit the module settings to your choice.

root@FS_HA1#cd /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/

root@FS_HA1#vim rtmp.conf.xml

I didn't need to change anything so I just simply reviewed the rtmp.conf.xml file and exited.

Now, time to copy the web-phone from the source directory to the web root.

root@FS_HA1#cd /usr/src/freeswitch/clients/

root@FS_HA1#cp -rf flex/ /var/www/html/

Now we need to edit the html file and change one small thing there.

root@FS_HA1#vim /var/www/html/flex/freeswitch.html

We need to change the rtmp url to that of our server's public IP.
var flashvars = {
      rtmp_url: 'rtmp://'

Save and exit, now open your browser and type down this URL.

You;ll see a sample dialer. Login using your SIP credentials and if asked for allowing the browser to use your webcam/microphone/speaker accept it.

After successful login you should be able to make calls given the context your user is assigned to is configured likewise.
